The IMHSS03 module uses an NTHS03 Hydraulic Servo Termination Unit to terminate its I/O connections. Dipshunts and
jumpers select the power source (system power or external
power) for certain inputs and outputs. The IMHSS03 module
has four analog inputs, nine analog outputs, three digital
inputs and one digital output that terminate at the NTHS03
termination unit.
Appendix C serves as a quick reference of NTHS03 I/O terminal assignments, jumper and dipshunt settings, circuit board
layout and cable connections. Refer to the Hydraulic Servo
Termination Unit (NTHS03) instruction for more information.
Figure C-1 shows the NTHS03 circuit board layout. Table C-1
lists NTHS03 jumper settings. Table C-2 lists the terminationunit dipshunt settings. Figure C-2 shows terminal assignments and I/O signal polarity. Figure C-3 shows the termination unit cable connection.The IMHSS03 module can use an NIDI01 Digital I/O Termination Module to terminate its I/O connections. Full IMHSS03
functionality requires two NIDI01 modules with an NKAS02
termination cable. One NIDI01 module can terminate the
IMHSS03 module, but will only provide IMHSS02 functionality.
Jumpers on the termination module configure the I/O signals.
The IMHSS03 module has four analog inputs, nine analog outputs, three digital inputs and one digital output that terminate
at the NIDI01 termination module.