
Programming a device, such as a Set Coil, on the FT output of the COMMREQ is
optional; this output may be left open if desired.
It is necessary to initialize the data in the Command Block before executing the
COMMREQ instruction. Since the normal PLC sweep order is from top to bottom,
initializing the Command Block in an earlier rung (or rungs) than the rung that contains
the COMMREQ will satisfy this requirement.
If you use MOVE instructions to load values into Command Block registers, use a
Word-type MOVE to load a hexadecimal number, and an Integer-type MOVE to load a
decimal number.
Error Detection and Handling
As shown in “COMMREQ Status Word”, a value of 1 is returned to the Status Word if
communications proceed normally, but if any error condition is detected, a value greater
than 1 is returned. If you require error detection in your ladder program, you can use a
Greater Than (GT) compare instruction to determine if the value in the Status Word is
negative (less than zero). If an error occurs, the GT instruction’s output (Q) will go high. A
coil driven by the output can be used to enable fault handling or error reporting logic.
The FT output of the COMMREQ, described on page 4-6, goes high for certain faults and
can be used for fault detection also. Additionally, the first Status Word can be monitored
by error message logic for display on an Operator Interface device, in which case, Status
Word codes would correspond to appropriate error messages that would display on the
operator screen.
To dynamically check the Status Word, write a non-significant positive number (0 or 99
are typically used) into the Status Word each time before its associated COMMREQ is
executed. If the instruction executes successfully, the CPU will write the number 1 there.
This method lets you know that if the number 1 is present, the last COMMREQ definitely
executed successfully, and that the 1 was not just left over from a previous execution.
When multiple COMMREQs are used, it is recommended that each be verified for
successful communications before the next is enabled. Monitoring the Status Word is one
way to accomplish this.