通過197Bug系統調用進行磁盤輸入/輸出所有實際訪問磁盤的操作都是由直接或間接執(zhí)行的197Bug陷阱#496個系統調用。(命令級磁盤操作提供無需編寫和執(zhí)行程序)。有關詳細信息,請參閱MVME197BUG 197Bug調試包用戶手冊有關使用這些和其他系統調用的信息。要執(zhí)行磁盤操作,197Bug最終必須呈現一個特定的磁盤帶有控制器命令包的控制器模塊,該命令包已特別為這種類型的控制器模塊準備。
IS230SNCIH6A燃機模塊(這已完成在相應的控制器驅動器模塊中)。一種類型的命令包控制器模塊通常與命令格式不同不同類型模塊的數據包。做磁盤的系統調用設施輸入/輸出接受通用(獨立于控制器)數據包格式作為參數,并將其轉換為控制器特定的數據包,然后發(fā)送該數據包到指定的設備。請參閱中的系統調用描述MVME197BUG 197Bug調試包用戶手冊這些標準化“用戶”數據包的格式和構造??刂破髂K預期提供的數據包各不相同控制器到控制器。特定硬件的磁盤驅動程序模塊模塊(板)必須接受給定給陷阱函數的標準數據包并創(chuàng)建專門為磁盤驅動器定制的新數據包發(fā)送到的控制器。請參閱特定控制器的文檔模塊的數據包格式,以及用于使用IOC命令。默認197Bug控制器和設備參數197Bug為的默認配置初始化參數表控制器和設備(參考附錄B)。如果系統需要與此默認配置不同的配置(例如,使用70MB Winchester驅動器,默認為40MB Winchester驅動器),然后這些表格必須更改。有三種方法可以更改參數表:? 使用BO或BH。當用戶調用其中一個命令時讀取磁盤的配置區(qū)域,并讀取與根據參數信息重寫該設備包含在配置區(qū)域中。這是暫時的變化。如果發(fā)生冷啟動重置,則會回寫默認參數信息放進桌子里。? 使用物聯網。用戶可以使用此命令手動重新配置任何控制器和/或設備的參數表不同于違約這也是一個臨時更改,如果冷啟動,則會被覆蓋重置發(fā)生。
? 獲取來源。用戶可以更改配置文件并重建197Bug,使其具有不同的默認值。對默認值所做的更改是永久性,直到再次更改。
Disk I/O via 197Bug System Calls
All operations that actually access the disk are done directly or indirectly by
197Bug TRAP #496 system calls. (The command-level disk operations provide
a convenient way of using these system calls without writing and executing a
program).Refer to the MVME197BUG 197Bug Debugging Package User’s Manual for
information on using these and other system calls.
To perform a disk operation, 197Bug must eventually present a particular disk
controller module with a controller command packet which has been
especially prepared for that type of controller module. (This is accomplished
in the respective controller driver module). A command packet for one type of
controller module usually does not have the same format as a command
packet for a different type of module. The system call facilities which do disk
I/O accept a generalized (controller-independent) packet format as an
argument, and translate it into a controller-specific packet, which is then sent
to the specified device. Refer to the system call descriptions found in the
MVME197BUG 197Bug Debugging Package User’s Manual for details on the
format and construction of these standardized “user” packets.
The packets which a controller module expects to be given vary from
controller to controller. The disk driver module for the particular hardware
module (board) must take the standardized packet given to a trap function
and create a new packet which is specifically tailored for the disk drive
controller it is sent to. Refer to documentation on the particular controller
module for the format of its packets, and for using the IOC command.Default 197Bug Controller and Device Parameters
197Bug initializes the parameter tables for a default configuration of
controllers and devices (refer to Appendix B). If the system needs to be
configured differently than this default configuration (for example, to use a
70MB Winchester drive where the default is a 40MB Winchester drive), then
these tables must be changed.
There are three ways to change the parameter tables:
? Using BO or BH. When the user invokes one of these commands, the
configuration area of the disk is read and the parameters corresponding to
that device are rewritten according to the parameter information
contained in the configuration area. This is a temporary change. If a coldstart reset occurs, then the default parameter information is written back
into the tables.