X電容通常被稱為 “線對線” 或 “跨線” 電容,用來減少由交流電源的差模噪聲引起的EMI/RFI。X電容跨接在火線和零線之間以過濾傳導干擾、電壓浪涌和電壓瞬變引起的負面影響。X電容提供干凈的交流信號給電路因此會受到所有交流線路變化的影響,如果超出電容的電壓或功率閾值可能會造成危險。X電容由于特殊的設計,其失效模式為短路,過應力下產(chǎn)生短路觸發(fā)斷路器或保險絲斷開。如果沒有安裝過電流保護裝置或未做出反應,X電容將潛藏引起火災的巨大風險。何謂Y電容
KJ3204X1-BA1模擬量卡件,12P3275X032使用產(chǎn)品Y電容通常稱為 “線對地” 或 “旁路” 電容,跨接在火線與地線之間以處理由共模噪聲引起的EMI/RF。Y電容還可能因傳導干擾、過電壓浪涌和電壓瞬變而受到交流線路變化的影響,如果超出電容閾值會導致電容故障并造成危險。Y電容的特殊設計與X電容不同,其失效模式為開路,導致電路會受到未濾波交流電源的影響。Y電容引起火災的風險較低。安規(guī)電容分類
與許多安全關鍵器件一樣,安規(guī)電容的容量和閾值是以各種標準和相應的分類來標示。定義安規(guī)電容的標準有很多,例如IEC 60384-14、UL 1414、UL 1283、CAN/CSA C22.2 No.1和CAN/CSA 384-14。最常見的標準IEC 60384-14定義了X和Y電容安全等級的峰值脈沖電壓。
根據(jù)IEC 60384-14,X電容的分類如下:
-分類X3 – 值脈沖電壓小于或等于 1.2kV
-分類X2 – 峰值脈沖電壓小于或等于2.5kV
-分類X1 – 峰值脈沖電壓在2.5kV至小于或等于4.0kV之間
根據(jù)IEC 60384-14,Y電容的分類如下:
-分類Y4 – 額定電壓小于 150VAC
-分類Y3 – 額定電壓小于或等于150VAC至250VAC
-分類Y2 – 額定電壓小于或等于150VAC至300VAC
-分類Y1 – 額定電壓小于或等于500VAC
X和Y安規(guī)電容過濾交流信號并降低EMI,因此它們直接連接危險的交流電源電壓,所以必須認證為 “安規(guī)電容” 以確保在此條件下安全工作。安全濾波電路中使用的安規(guī)電容有各種類型。
and so on. It means that the interface is carefully designed to a certain extent, that is, reliable and safe work. There are also many standards applicable to some aspects of functional safety. With the cross interference of input and output signals caused by rapid dv/dt or di/dt conversion, the grounding loop changes the grounding level due to the distribution parameters of the system
The initial consideration of excitation end damage (such as power output stage) caused by system or software failure is to focus on the logic level of the i/o port of the microcontroller, and then to clarify the current and voltage required for output. For example, driving high current resistive loads, such as heaters or actuators, requires a logic level conversion and power triode or FET power pre driver. The example shown in Figure 1 is to convert the logic level of the microcontroller powered by +1.8v and control a high current +24v FET through the pre driver. From the logic level of the microcontroller, the switching load current supported by this FET is greater than 10 amps. Another option shown in Figure 1 is to connect a high side switch, such as IC DP, which supports a load current of up to 200 Ma at 36V power supply.
Because the i/o port of the microcontroller has been connected to the input when powered on, special precautions should be taken here.