RELIANCE 57552-4控制器
P、 超出范圍(OR)報警比較過程輸入
ALARM function blocks can be used on a one per loop basis and contain four (4) alarms associated with Input P (normally the process input to the controller function block). Each alarm can be configured as NONE, HI, LO, HDEV, LDEV, DEV, and OR. Deviation type alarms compare Input P with Input D, the deviation input, normally the loop setpoint (i.e. the setpoint to the controller function block), having the same range as Input P. An Out of Range (OR) alarm compares the process input with the range limits specified by the range pointer parameter (input R). This parameter must point to a function block that includes MINSCALE and MAXSCALE configuration parameters (e.g. Analog Input) for proper scaling. If not configured, 0.0-100.0 will be used as a default range. Alarms have priorities 1 to 5, with 1 the highest and are reported to the operator faceplate in order of priority first and then in order of occurrence. Priority 1 causes the station bargraphs and condition (e.g. A1 HI) to flash and requires acknowledgment to stop flashing. Priority 2 also flashes the bargraphs and condition but stops flashing when the alarm clears (i.e. Self Clearing). Priority 3 causes the event LEDs (L and S) and condition to flash. Flashing stops only when the alarm is acknowledged. Priority 4 also causes the event LEDs and condition to flash but stops when the alarm clears. Priority 5 displays the alarm but does not require that it be acknowledged. Alarm limits are in engineering units. A quickset ALARM feature is also available allowing alarm limits to be set quickly during operation. The settings are in engineering units but will also be displayed in % of range on the bargraph. Alarms are displayed as defined by the range pointer parameter. Alarms can be set to any engineering value within -10% to 110% of the range defined by the pointer. If a range is changed, the current alarm settings will be changed to be the same % within the new range. For example, if a HI alarm is currently set at 100.0 with a range of 0.0 to 100.0 and the range is changed to 300.0 to 400.0, the HI alarm will be moved to 400.0. Each alarm can be enabled or disabled when in the quickset ALARM mode. The configuration allows an alarm to be enabled or disabled on a cold start. When an alarm is disabled, it will not operate but will retain settings for return to the enabled mode. Complete operator faceplate functions, relating to alarms, are described in the sections describing the specific faceplate design. All alarms have the following features: Deadband - requires that the signal either drop below or exceed the limit setting by the amount of the deadband before the alarm clears (goes low). The alarm deadband is set as a fixed % of the range pointer scale.