The model number, together with the style number, describe the options included in a specific device, and
appear on a label affixed to the rear panel. Upon receipt of a DECS-100, be sure to check the style
number against the requisition and the packing list to ensure that they agree.
Style Number
DECS-100 electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of letters and
numbers that make up the style number. The DECS-100 style number chart is shown in Figure 1-1.
Style Number Example
For example, a DECS-100 with a style number of A15 would have the following characteristics and
operating features.
A ------- No var or power factor control
1-------- Voltage matching
5-------- 5 ampere current sensing Overexcitation Shutdown
This LED lights when the Overexcitation Protection feature is enabled and the field voltage exceeds the
adjustable setpoint for 10 seconds. The DECS-100 will shutdown when an overexcitation condition is
detected. The Overexcitation Shutdown LED will light for 5 seconds when the DECS-100 is powered up
following an overexcitation shutdown.
Generator Overvoltage
This LED lights when generator output voltage exceeds the adjustable setpoint for 0.75 seconds. When a
generator overvoltage condition exists, the DECS-100 output contacts close and the DECS-100 shuts
down (if hardware shutdown is enabled). The Generator Overvoltage LED will light for 5 seconds when
the DECS-100 is powered up following a generator overvoltage shutdown.
Loss of Generator Sensing
This LED lights when a loss of generator sensing voltage is detected. When a loss of sensing condition
occurs, the DECS-100 output contacts close. Depending on the protective action selected, the DECS-100
will either shutdown or transfer to Manual mode. The Loss of Generator Sensing LED will flash for 5
seconds when the DECS-100 is powered up following a loss of generator sensing shutdown. Overexcitation Limiting
This LED lights when the field current exceeds the programmed overexcitation limit. It stays lit until the
overexcitation condition ceases or the overexcitation time delay expires and the DECS-100 shuts down.
The Overexcitation Limiting LED will flash for 5 seconds when the DECS-100 is powered up following an
overexcitation limiting shutdown.
Underexcitation Limiting
This LED lights when the sensed, reactive power (leading vars) decreases below the programmed
underexcitation limit. It stays lit until the underexcitation condition ceases or the underexcitation time
delay expires and the DECS-100 shuts down. The Underexcitation Limiting LED will flash for 5 seconds
when the DECS-100 is powered up following an underexcitation limiting shutdown.
Var/P.F. Mode Active
This LED lights to indicate that the DECS-100 is operating in the optional Var or Power Factor mode of
control. Var/Power Factor control is enabled through BESTCOMS software and when the 52J/K contact
input is open.