Protection Alarms. Six protection alarm indicators provide the status of DECS-100 protection functions.
Alarm indicators include Overexcitation Shutdown, Overexcitation Limiting, Underexcitation Limiting,
Generator Overvoltage, Loss of Generator Sensing, and Underfrequency. When a DECS-100 protection
function detects an alarm condition, the appropriate indicator changes from black to red.
Control Status. Two Control Status indicators indicate when the VAR/PF and Manual modes are active.
The Manual Mode Active indicator changes from black to red when the FCR control mode is active. The
VAR/PF Mode Active indicator changes from black to red when the DECS-100 is operating in AVR mode
and correction of power factor or vars is selected.
Switch Status. Three Switch Status indicators indicate when the DECS-100 control inputs are open or
closed. The 52JK switch open indicator changes from black to red when the user-supplied contacts at
terminals 52J and 52K are closed. When this control input is open, selection of PF or VAR mode can be
made on the Operation tab of the Metering, Operation, and Alarms screen. The 52LM switch closed
indicator changes from black to red when the user-supplied contacts at terminals 52L and 52M are
closed. When this control input is closed, parallel control and droop is inactive. The VM switch closed indicator changes from black to red when the user-supplied contacts at terminals VM and VMC are
closed. When this control input is closed, the Voltage Matching function is active.
Metering Signal. The Metering Signal indicator flashes to indicate when metering is active. A number
beside the indicator tracks how many times the metering and status indicators have been updated. When
the Metering button is clicked or Metering on the Menu bar is clicked followed by Disable Metering, the
Metering Signal indicator stops flashing, the metering update counter stops incrementing, and the
metering functions stop being updated. BESTCOMS enables generator stability to be set through the automatic calculation of PID parameters.
PID stands for Proportional, Integral, Derivative. The word proportional means that the response of the
DECS-100 output is proportional or relative to the amount of change that is observed. Integral means that
the DECS-100 output is proportional to the amount of time that a change is observed. Integral action
eliminates offset. Derivative means that the DECS-100 output is proportional to the required rate of
excitation change. Derivative action avoids excitation overshoot.
BESTCOMS automatically calculates PID values after the user selects the generator frequency,
generator time constant (T'do), and exciter time constant (Texc). With BESTCOMS, the user may
generate new PID numbers, add to a PID list file, and update the AVR gain settings in the Control Gain or
Step Response screens.
The PID window (Figure 5-18) is accessed by clicking the PID button. The PID button can be clicked only
when the Stability Range setting of the Control Gain screen is set at a value of 21. (A setting of 21
enables the entry of custom stability settings through the PID window.) Then, when a field of the Control
Gain screen is changed or selected, the PID button changes from gray to yellow and the button can be
clicked to view the PID window. After the PID numbers are modified, calculated, and updated, the PID
window is closed by clicking the Update Setting Screen button. The modified PID values are then shown
on the Control Gain screen.