如果在此之前斷電,適配器可能會永久損壞。以這種方式損壞的適配器無法修理。自動化出版物20COME-RN003A-EN-P-2012年5月20-COMM-E EtherNet/IP適配器固件版本4.002 5安裝閃存套件1.訪問Allen Bradley網(wǎng)站更新:http://www.ab.com/support/abdrives/webupdate并為20-COMM-E適配器安裝閃存套件。(這也會自動在您的計算機上安裝ControlFLASH軟件。)2.您現(xiàn)在可以使用DriveExplorer、DriveExecutive、ControlFLASH或HyperTerminal來更新適配器。請參閱下面的相應章節(jié)并按照說明進行操作。
1.安裝了Flash Kit(請參閱安裝閃存套件)后,啟動DriveExplorer并使用連接到適配器的驅動器聯(lián)機(僅使用DriveExplorer Full或1203-USB或1203-SSS轉換器通過EtherNet/IP)。2.在DriveExplorer樹視圖中,單擊20-COMM-E適配器。然后單擊第3頁圖1所示的信息圖標以顯示適配器的Properties屏幕。3.在20-COMM-E屬性屏幕上,單擊詳細信息選項卡。4.要啟動閃存更新,請單擊閃存更新…按鈕。然后從可用更新列表中選擇“4.002.xx完整”,然后單擊下一步>。按照其余屏幕提示操作,直到閃存更新過程完成并顯示新固件版本(v4.002)。
If power is lost before this, the adapter may be permanently damaged. An adapter that is damaged in this way cannot be repaired. Automation Publication20COME-RN003A-EN-P-2012 May 20-COMM-E EtherNet/IP Adapter Firmware Version 4.002 5 Install Flash Kit 1. Visit the Allen Bradley website for updates: http://www.ab.com/support/abdrives/webupdate Install the flash kit for the 20-COMM-E adapter. (This will also automatically install ControlFLASH software on your computer.) 2. You can now use DriveExplorer, DriveExecutive, ControlFLASH or HyperTerminal to update the adapter. Refer to the appropriate sections below and follow the instructions.
1. After installing the Flash Kit (see Installing the Flash Kit), start DriveExplorer and use the drive connected to the adapter to go online (only use DriveExplorer Full or 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converters to pass EtherNet/IP). 2. In the DriveExplorer tree view, click 20-COMM-E adapter. Then click the information icon shown in Figure 1 on page 3 to display the Properties screen of the adapter. 3. On the 20-COMM-E Properties screen, click the Details tab. 4. To start the flash update, click the Flash Update... button. Then select 4.002.xx Complete from the list of available updates, and click Next>. Follow the remaining screen prompts until the flash update process is complete and the new firmware version (v4.002) is displayed.