TRICONEX 9763-810備件庫存
Not outside the cat
Numbering sequence is: sequence is: using conventional DC control, the pickup winding must be interconnected with the delayed opening auxiliary contact. The sequence starts with: sequence and starts with: sequence to describe the package. quantity Must be ordered in multiples of the packaging quantity. Cat number label sheet self-adhesive paper label, each label sheet perforated paper label, each millimeter, used for transparent cover transparent cover used for marking label sheet label adapter used for marking: system marking label adapter label: the system provides automatic publication with the contactor month, contactor suppressor module connection component description connection suppressor rating and use together.
Numbered package
Number of bulb suppressor modules. The contactor is used to limit the surge voltage when the coil circuit is interrupted. As a part of the power supply module or delivered together with a separate suppressor module, the standard supply module for all conventional DC coil contactors and all electronic coil contactors controls the contactor rheostat module with conventional coils. It is applicable to the rheostat assembly with conventional coils. It is applicable to the contactor with electronic coils. It is applicable to similar overvoltage, For example, lightning protection requirements. For surge pulses greater than, specify the cross section used with the terminal connection category.