TRICONEX 9750-310工控模塊備件
Supply right angle connector cable
See Cables for AC Servo Motors in the publication. The terminal box allows the motor connector to lead out to the motor axially rather than radially without further wiring. Important: When using the terminal box kit option, the servomotor will lose its rating.,, Servo Motor Publications Year Month Series Servo Motor Configurations and Options Servo Motor CablesServo motor cable information can be found in the Servo Motor Product Data publication. Refer to the following table for motor mounting bolt specifications to determine the correct bolt type to use with the motor. High resolution motors are selected for the system using the following criteria: Multi turn motors are used for applications where the shaft position needs to be known at startup and no reset is required. For applications that require brakes, use a multi turn motor. For all other applications, use single coil motors.
Non motors are not suitable for high-resolution feedback. Junction box kit for axial cable oriented fluororubber shaft oil seal Optional integral brake motor Internal Important: When using the junction box kit or feedback mounting kit, the servo motor cannot reach the grade Optional environmental seals include shaft seals Optional integral high resolution or absolute feedback motor internal, Replace resolver encoder secondary feedback package feedback installation kit Note: only used for models with resolver Motor bolt size Pitch flange thickness Screw length Torque. Torque values are typical. The actual value depends on the fastener material used.