TRICONEX 9673-810工控模塊
Motor definition
The boundary of speed torque curve in rated operation area, where the combination of motor and controller can operate on servo basis without exceeding the rated value of any one. The boundary of speed torque curve in intermittent operation area, where the combination of motor and controller can operate in acceleration and deceleration mode without exceeding the peak rating of any mode, provided that the continuous torque limit of duty cycle is not exceeded. The rated current of a motor with windings when the continuous current is at rated temperature and ambient temperature. Peak current The amount of current applied to the motor without damaging the motor. Mechanical time constant The time required for a motor to reach its final speed when a step voltage is applied.
Electrical time
Constant time required for motor to reach rated current. Maximum ambient temperature The maximum ambient temperature at which a motor can operate under rated load without exceeding its insulation type temperature rise limit. Insulation class Designation of operating temperature limits for motor insulation materials. Thermal time constant The time required for the motor winding to achieve continuous temperature rise, with constant loss. The torque constant is the amount of torque produced by one ampere of motor current at the specified motor temperature. Torque, Torque Plus Series, AC Servo Motor Publications Monthly Voltage Constant The voltage value generated at a specified speed when the rotor moves mechanically in a magnetic field. Terminal resistance Winding resistance.