打開圖形文件后,您可以查看和編輯與之一起保存的文件注釋。選擇文件菜單的圖形子菜單或監(jiān)視器顯示或數據記錄器顯示的上下文菜單中的注釋命令?;蜃⒁?!因為圖形文件實際上是一個特殊的工作空間文件,所以您也可以將注釋作為工作空間文件注釋來查看和編輯。將顯示“文件注釋”對話框。它在其編輯字段中顯示注釋。注釋文本被選中,這意味著如果您剛開始鍵入,先前的文本將被新注釋替換。注意,注釋實際上由一行組成,盡管它在編輯字段中自動換行和滾動。按下Enter鍵實際上與單擊OK按鈕相同。趨勢6-110 DriveWindow 2編輯時,您可以使用普通的Windows快捷鍵和編輯鍵,如箭頭鍵、Home、End、Del等鍵,也可以不使用Ctrl和/或Shift鍵。但是,請注意,按Esc鍵與單擊“取消”按鈕相同。完成編輯后,單擊“確定”按鈕。如果不想更改注釋,請單擊“取消”按鈕。另請參閱:保存趨勢如何恢復工作區(qū)11.打印趨勢如果您有打印機可用,則可以打印當前顯示在趨勢顯示窗格中的趨勢。但是,無法打印正在運行的監(jiān)視器。請注意,趨勢的打印由圖形繪圖包完成,并且與DriveWindow中的所有其他打印分開。11無打印機打印如果沒有連接打印機,但安裝了打印機驅動程序,可以打印到文件,則可以打印到。稍后,連接打印機后,可以將文件復制到打印機。例如,在DOS提示符下,發(fā)出命令:Copy C:\Temp\MyPrint。have opened a graph file, you can view and edit the file comment that was saved with it. Select Comment command residing in the Graph submenu of the File menu or in the context menus of Monitor Display or Datalogger Display. or Note! Because a graph file is actually a special workspace file, you can view and edit the comment as a workspace file comment, too. A File Comment dialog box is presented. It shows the comment in its edit field. The comment text is selected, which means that if you just start typing, the previous text is replaced by your new comment. Note that the comment actually consists of one line, although it automatically wraps and scrolls within the edit field. Pressing the Enter key is actually the same as clicking the OK button. Trends 6-110 DriveWindow 2 While editing, you can use the normal Windows shortcut and editing keys like the arrow keys, Home, End, Del, etc. keys, with or without Ctrl and/or Shift key down. Note, however, that pressing the Esc key is same than clicking the Cancel button. When you are done with editing, click the OK button. Click the Cancel button, if you do not want to change the comment. See Also: Saving Trends How to Restore Workspace 11. Printing Trends If you have a printer available, you are able to print the trends currently displayed in the trend display pane. Printing of a running monitor is not possible, however. Note that printing of trends is done by the graphical drawing package and is separate of all other printing within DriveWindow. 11 Printing without a printer If you do not have a printer connected, but you have a printer driver installed, which allows you to print to a file, you can print to files. Later, when you have the printer connected, you can copy the files to the printer. For example, in DOS prompt, give command: Copy C:\Temp\MyPrint.