Applying a lever from the motor mounting surface to remove equipment mounted on the motor shaft may damage the feedback device. Do not knock the coupling or pulley with tools during installation or removal. Use the wheel puller to apply pressure from the user end of the shaft to remove any friction fit or stuck devices from the motor shaft. The low inertia brushless servo motor of series or smaller frame size is used to ground all equipment through a single point parallel grounding system using a grounding bus or a large bus. If necessary, use additional electrical noise reduction technology to reduce noise in the environment. Refer to the Electrical Noise Control System Design Reference Manual for more information on reducing impacts by improving system level EMC. The construction and installation of cables Correct cable routing and careful cable construction can improve the electromagnetic compatibility of the system. Follow the guidelines below to make and install cables to minimize wire length. Connect the noise sensitive wire to the encoder and the wire away from the input power supply and motor power supply. For parallel runs per meter foot, separate the cables at least meters feet apart. Ground both ends of the encoder cable shield and twist the signal wire pair to prevent from coming from other equipment. Shield the power cord Follow the steps below to shield the power cord. As shown in the figure, verify whether the separate signal wire shield is connected to the whole chassis ground by looping back each signal wire pair. Clamp all three shields together at the power cord chassis ground connection on the drive. Note that if the shield is not grounded, there may be high voltage on the shield of the power cable. Verify that all power cable shields are grounded. Note that the leakage current generated by the series motor in the protective grounding conductor exceeds and or. Make sure that the motor cable is properly grounded according to the driver installation instructions. Note that if the shield is not grounded, there may be high voltage on the shield of the power cable. Verify that all shields in the power cable are grounded. Low inertia brushless servo motor of series or smaller frame size DC power supply for shielding brake control and power regulation permanent magnet brake of power cable, such as series servo motor of smaller frame, requires low ripple voltage DC power supply. The motor brake requires relay contacts to open and disconnect power to the brake coil. De energizing causes the brakes to engage mechanically, but also causes arcing at the contacts until the residual braking power is sufficiently dissipated. Customer supplied diodes are recommended to prevent arcing at the brake relay contacts. Replacing diodes with metal oxide varistors can reduce the time for mechanical brake engagement. The following figure shows typical brake control components provided by the customer, including arc suppression diodes or.