TRICONEX 3623T數(shù)字輸出
In the Target directory box, specify the folder in which to save the new files.
4. Optionally, click Settings and change the settings for the conversion. For details about the
conversion settings, see Conversion settings on page 77.
5. Click Convert Files.
Conversion settings
The table below describes the settings for the conversion:
Setting Description
Acis save file format Select which version of ACIS to save to when using ACIS as
target format.
Enable Healing Controls whether the conversion engine attempts to heal
geometric entities. Only supported for specified formats.
Translate hidden/noshow entities
Controls whether the hidden entities are translated or
discarded. Only supported for specified formats.
VRML/STL Scale factors VRML and STL are often created in units that RobotStudio does
not expect; they thus need to be resized.
Delete all generated log
files on exit
Makes the CAD converter delete log files when exiting.