EMERSON PR642300R-010+CON021軸承傳感器
To modify a part, follow this step:
1. In the Modeling browser, expand the node for the part to modify. Then modify the part
by doing any of the following:
Modifying a library component
As external files, libraries are merely linked from a station. Therefore, to modify an imported
library component, the link must first be broken and later reestablished. For procedures Delete a body Select the body and press the DEL key.
Move a body from one part
to another
Drag the body or use the Copy and Paste commands on the
Edit menu.
Move one body relative to
the others
Select the body and then move it using any of the ordinary
commands for moving objects,Workflow
This information topic describes how to create a new mechanism, that is, a graphical
representation of a robot, tool, external axis or device. The various parts of a mechanism
move along or around axes.