REXROTH VT-VSPA2-50-10/T5電子放大板
Click Yes to keep all the stationary RAPID objects in their global coordinates.
? Click No to move all the stationary RAPID objects along with the base frame (same
coordinates relative to base frame). Workobjects attached to any other object in the
station will not be affected. Workobjects attached to any other object in the station will
not be affected.
If the base frame configuration of the VC is updated, the VC has to be restarted for the
changes to take effect. i.e. if the base frame changes its placement relative to task frame, the
following question appears Do you want to update the controller configuration and
? Click Yes to restart the controller and update the base frame configuration of the
connected VC.
? Click No if the base frame is not in accordance with the controller.Modifying the robot position using Freehand move or rotate
1. Modify the baseframe position of a robot connected to a VC using the following Freehand
? Move. See Moving an item on page 225.
? Rotate. See Rotating an item on page 226.
For information on updating the robot baseframe, see Updating the baseframe position on
page 370.
2. A warning message is displayed in the Output window.